Turn Of Cussion

My artifact is cusio n of Pri nce of Turn. Prince of Turn is a character of Kameda Seika. He is the prince of Happy Kingdam. It's covered with yeallow cloth, and soft and fluffy to the touch. It’s just right for a body pillow. When,I was in high school, one of my friends in tennis club activity was the daughter of Kameda Seika, so she gave them to other members for Christmas present. The day I got the cusion was a normal weekday, but I was happy, so I took the class while putting it on my lap all the time. Everyone was happy. I still love it , because I cannnot sleep without holding something. I often stay at my house with my friends from club activities when I was high school. My friends says "Lend me that cusion" But ,I say "Never lend" My friends hugs this cusion in my house, thinking that it is her own in her house. And I cannnot sleep without this cusion. So In the end, we start competing for this...